Amsterdam, January 12, 2021 - Marjolijn Meijer and Jordy Kool, management and owners of Urban Gym Group, announce the start of two more sports companies this week. My Local Gym Group, which focuses on smaller cities and towns, and Gymwarehouse, supplier of second-hand fitness equipment. Despite the corona measures hitting the fitness industry hard, the number of clubs has tripled in the past two years and the number of employees has increased to more than 600.My Local Gym Group
Meijer: “Urban Gym Group is active in the major cities and offers state of the art fitness clubs. We sometimes missed opportunities in the acquisition of chains because they also have branches in the smaller cities. In addition, there is a growing local need for the gym facilities that our labels, such as TrainMore, have to offer. Finally, the smaller cities and municipalities have their own health and fitness needs. One gym, for example, specializes in the elderly, while the other studio offers more options for physiotherapy or personal training. Responding to this requires a different strategy than UGG has, so Jordy and I founded My Local Gym Group.Kool continues: “We are now entering further discussions with interested chains that are active both in the major cities and locally. Acquired gyms will continue to operate locally under their own name. Of course, we create synergy benefits behind the scenes in the areas of finance, HR, legal and back office.” The first completed acquisition that Kool announces is Bodysports in Utrecht. As of January 1, 2021, it will fall under the My Local Gym Group. Day-to-day management will be in the hands of Sjoerd van Rosmalen, who will be given the opportunity to build the new company out of the UGG.Gymwarehouse
Meijer: “The 1.5 meter requirements led to a surplus of used but good equipment at many clubs. The demand for good, used and therefore affordable equipment is increasing, especially now. We see that people strive for a healthier lifestyle. Moreover, people are more aware of the importance of sustainability. Gymwarehouse wants to enable consumers and clubs to purchase good, affordable equipment. Jordy has experience in developing companies with a circular strategy. We therefore see many parallels with the IT market.” Kool previously raised the turnover of Infotheek Group, the largest IT refurbisher in Europe, from 55 to 750 million euros in nine years.